Live the Garden Life

Vivre la vie de jardin

Vivre la vie de jardin

Canada was the first country in the world to recognize – by a unanimous consent motion in the House of Commons – a Year of the Garden to celebrate Canada’s rich horticultural heritage and vibrant garden culture today.

Live the Garden Life, a legacy of the Year of the Garden 2022, is a public education campaign developed by Gardens Canada and its stakeholders to celebrate Canada’s garden culture and nurture the future.

father with child in a wheelbarel

Canadians of all ages, and in all parts of the country garden at home and in their community, visit gardens, and reap the many benefits gardens provide. This is your invitation to Live the Garden Life and Make a Difference by:

  • Jardinez à la maison ou dans la collectivité
  • Économisez de l’argent en cultivant des aliments nutritifs et délicieux
  • Tirez profit des bienfaits thérapeutiques que procure le jardinage
  • Inscrivez-vous à un club de jardinage ou à une société horticole
  • Jardinez pour protéger l’environneme
  • Inspirez la prochaine génération ou des néophytes au jardinage
  • Visiting Canada’s extraordinary public gardens on Canada’s Garden Route

  • Faites du bénévolat auprès de la collectivité du jardin
  • Attirez les pollinisateurs au jardin
  • Celebrating Garden Days in the weeks leading up to National Garden Day on the Saturday before Father’s Day

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