Garden Days

Garden Days 2023 presented by Scotts Canada

Thank you to all those who joined us in celebrating Garden Days 2023. We invite you to continue celebrating our garden culture and to start planning for 2024!

Garden Days

Winners of the Garden Days Contest

Congratulations to the winners of Garden Days Contest, sponsored by Scotts Canada!

Each winner received a Scotts Canada gift set valued at over $150!

Sharon Dutchak

J Ann Magnus

Chris Reid

Sylvie Dugas

Garden Celebration Themes

Garden Days 2023 presented by Scotts Canada started on May 19th and went until June 18th. How did you Live the Garden Life and celebrate Garden Days? It’s never too early to start planning for 2024!

Here is how some of you celebrated:

  • Many subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed on our latest news and contests! For instance, in 2023, many of you entered the Garden Days Contest for a chance to WIN a Scotts Canada Prize Pack.
  • Many shared their love and passion for gardening with your children, family members and friends who are new to gardening. Help inspire them by introducing them to your gardens at home.
  • Some took a Garden Road Trip with their family and explore a public garden on Canada’s Garden Route. See what they discover, learn and experience!

  • Others Live the Garden Life to Make a Difference for our environment. Plant a tree for shade. Create a rain garden to help conserve water. Plant native plants to attract pollinators to your garden. Every action you take is a positive climate action for Canada.
  • Many planted purple in 2023. Purple is a colour that symbolizes nobility, creativity, wisdom, pride, and magic. There are many stunning purple plants to choose from. Stay tuned for the colour theme in 2024!

  • Others visited a garden centre, your best resource for plants, products, and expert advice to help you grow your garden.
  • Many garden organizations registered a Garden Hero to recognize their garden leadership in your community.

  • Others Live the Garden Life to Make a Difference for their physical health and mental well-being by exercising in the garden, or exercising by gardening or took a bike ride or a walk in a garden.

  • Some travelled and visited Garden-Friendly Municipalities to discover the value of tree-lined streets, living green streetscapes, and garden-friendly patios.
  • Many organizations became Live the Garden Life Friends.

  • Many volunteered at a community garden.
  • Some joined a local garden club or horticultural society. It’s a wonderful way to learn more about gardens and gardening, make new friends, and participate in fun and educational activities.

  • Some gave a plant or flower to a friend just to show they care.
  • And we all celebrated National Garden Day!

