Gardens Canada Membership

Being a member of Gardens Canada means:

  • Fostering the development of Canada’s Garden Culture

    Working together to enable full recognition of the values and benefits garden experiences deliver for Canadians and the communities in which they live.

  • Preferred Consideration

    Preferred consideration for your garden experience vis-à-vis all Gardens Canada promotions and activities.

  • Networking

    Tapping into a network of like-minded colleagues, allowing conversation between industry professionals about best practices, tips, innovations, emerging trends and all garden experience-related questions.

  • Connecting with the Horticulture Industry

    Being part of Gardens Canada is being connected to horticulture industry suppliers and leaders facilitating mutually beneficial partnerships leading to development and growth.

  • Professional Development

    Education and networking opportunities to improve your garden experience management skills by attending Conferences, such as the biennial Garden Tourism Conference, and workshops providing access to information and latest research on the garden experience sector on a national and international basis.

  • Connecting with Associated industries

    Being part of Gardens Canada is being connected to associated industry suppliers and leaders facilitating mutually beneficial partnerships leading to development and growth.

  • Being Recognized

    Recognition through Gardens Canada”s various promotions and awards programs.

  • Staying Connected and Plugged in

    Ongoing communications through Gardens Canada E-News, special news announcements and social media to keep you up-to-date with the latest garden experience sector developments and best practices throughout Canada and on a worldwide basis.

  • Industry Advocacy

    Ensuring representation of your interests with the federal government and various national organisations for the purpose of creating the most supportive policies, programs and activities possible for the development and growth of your garden experience and the sector.

  • Valuable Promotion and Visibility

    Promoting your garden experience through partnerships with the tourism industry and their marketing organisations, including the Canadian Tourism Commission and other relevant industry associations.

Membership Benefits:
  • Networking and professional development opportunities.
  • Listing on Canada’s Garden Route® in a ‘Featured’ category with strategic web positioning, more descriptive words and more images.
  • Permission to use the Canada’s Garden Route® logo on your website and on your promotional materials
  • Permission to use the Garden Days® logo on your website and on your promotional materials
  • Your social media site followed and shared regularly
  • Discounted rates for advertising
  • Discounted rates on Garden Tourism Conference registration.
  • Complimentary participation in Garden Days.
  • Participation in Gardens Canada activities and governance.
  • New partnership benefits that will be presented during the term of membership.
  • Access to benefits for all of your staff
Membership Categories and Costs
  • Featured Gardens (6 employees or more) $1,000
  • Featured Gardens (5 employees or less) $750
  • Garden Networks & Trails (8 Gardens and more) $1,000
  • Garden Networks & Trails (7 Gardens and less) $750
  • Festival / Events (6 employees or more) $1,000
  • Festival / Events (5 employees or less) $750
  • Festival / Events (Volunteer managed) $100
  • Heritage Gardens $250
  • Destination Garden Centres $500
  • National, provincial, or regional organizations $500
  • Institutions: Municipalities, Education, Environment $400

Gardens Canada Board of Directors


Chair: Alexander Reford, Jardins de Métis, Québec Gardens Association
Vice-Chair: vacant
Treasurer: Harry Jongerden, Garden Consultant
Secretary: Gerald Dieleman, Assiniboine Park Conservancy
Member at Large: Trish Fry, Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens


Vivian Shum, Executive Director

Board Members

Dave Cowen, The Butchart Gardens
Gerald Dieleman, Assiniboine Park Conservancy
Harry Jongerden, Garden Consultant
Charles Hunter, Niagara Parks Commission (ex-officio)
Alexander Reford, Jardins de Métis
, Québec Gardens Association
Sierra Reibling, Kingsbrae Garden
Trish Fry, Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens
Kim Shipp, MUN Botanical Garden



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