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With 2022 in full swing and Spring upon us, Scotts Canada Limited is very excited to support the Year of the Garden as a founding sponsor. Gardens and gardening bring numerous physical and mental health benefits to us as human beings. Gardening has the power to heal and to bring communities together to share in a common goal and purpose. Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw terrible loss. People lost loved ones and the ability to support their families. We saw food prices rise and many worried about the availability of fresh, affordable food. In response to these challenges, many Canadians turned to gardening as a means of addressing their concerns about food availability and cost, and as a means of managing stress and staying active. A large number of Canadians became new gardeners, discovering the joy and personal satisfaction that comes from growing something yourself. Whether it is indoor houseplants, hydroponics, outdoor landscapes, fruit trees or vegetable gardens, there is a gardening activity that can accommodate every lifestyle, level of ability, and interest. And that is one of the beauties of gardening. It can happen for anyone, practically anywhere.

In 2022, it is time to celebrate and appreciate all that gardens and gardening have provided for us over the decades and especially over these last few difficult years of the pandemic. We believe that Year of the Garden has come at an opportune time to help all Canadians emerge from the pandemic and celebrate together. For us, gardening is one of our passions and reasons for being. We hope that even more Canadians will discover this passion by getting involved in Year of the Garden. Scotts Canada believes in this incredible initiative, and we invite all Canadians to participate.

We also want to recognize the horticulture industry which is celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2022. The businesses, men and women, who have helped to support gardens, landscapes, and each individual’s personal vision of their own environment have played a pivotal role in our communities across Canada. We thank them for their dedication and celebrate this important milestone with them.

Scotts believes in the power of gardening, and that is why we have chosen to sponsor the Year of the Garden 2022. We are excited to offer a number of special programs and initiatives, such as our Gro for Good – School Edition Grant program in honour of Year of the Garden. This year in addition to our usual Gro for Good Grants, Scotts Canada has offered schools across Canada the opportunity to be awarded a special grant to build or expand a garden. This is in line with the Year of the Garden’s objective to see a garden at every school.

We have no doubt that Canadians will be excited to learn about and participate in the Year of the Garden 2022. To those who are already gardeners, we invite you to share your successes and stories. And for those who are thinking about getting involved in gardening, we welcome you!!! Come join the fun.